All About Organic Bamboo And Charcoal Products

In the recent past, the mention of Bamboo have been related to images of panda bears shredding through a stand of green stalks in their daily quest for food. But we get to know now. As the world’s fastest growing plant, this exotic growth is both earth-friendly and very useful for making the quality bamboo products that we need. Although bamboo is often mistaken for a tree, it’s actually a grass.

From diet pills to air purifiers, people always look for a way to make themselves healthier. It's easier to make yourself healthier if you begin using a product that has been used for millennia, the bamboo plant. This woody grass is not only good for external body but having the charcoal shots are good for inside your body as well and can help you stay healthy, or improve your overall health.

Bamboo Charcoal is produced from the fast growing moso bamboo. This type of bamboo grow two feet or more in one day and reach a height of 60 feet in two to three months. Because of the growth characteristics of moso bamboo, millions of tiny holes are created as the plant densifies and matures, a process taking approximately five years. These tiny holes ultimately give the resulting bamboo charcoal its revolutionary abilities as both a deodorizer and dehumidifier. These benefits of bamboo products have been enjoyed for more than five centuries in the world.

Bamboo Is Better For The Planet

Bamboo has eventually become recognized as an extremely earth-friendly material. It excel above other materials in a number of different ways.

 Reasons why bamboo products are so beneficial:

  1. Non allergic reaction - Many people are allergic to natural fibers, such as wool. Bamboos have the smallest number of allergic reactions with people.
  2. Wicks away moisture - By wicking away moisture from skin, the wet skin doesn't have time to build up any bacterial colonies and also keeps protected from developing the rashes that wet skin can develop when irritated.
  3. Anti-bacterial - Bamboo is extremely anti-bacterial. It has a natural property called bamboo kun that kills up to 70% of any bacteria attempting to multiply on the bamboo, be it in its natural form or fabric.
  4. Deodorizing – Now-a-days, people use maximum chemicals to ensure that they smell pleasant to others. You can overcome this by taking advantage of the deodorizing properties of bamboo in your clothing.
  5. Breathable - Healthy skin can't be caged inside tight clothing always. This results in rashes and other skin problems. Bamboo fabric is breathable; it doesn't cling to the skin even when the wearer is sweating badly.
  6. Sustains temperature - Bamboo fabric is amazing because it sustains a temperature fairly well. It keeps people cool when it's warm, and warm when it's cold, and a normal body temperature is essential for good health.
  7. Circulation - Bamboo can actually be good for your circulation. Bamboo molecules absorb energy from the atmosphere, and then transfer them into energy for your body, promoting cell activation and good circulation.
  8. Blocks ultraviolet rays - The reason many beach cover ups are being made with bamboo is that bamboo naturally blocks the harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun. This is essential for healthy skin, especially for children and women who are pregnant.
  9. Low in fat - Bamboo shots have been found to be low in fat and calories, which people are always concerned with when they aim to eat healthy. Additionally BISJ Bamboo Silica Tea also improves skin and hair besides weight management.
  10. High in nutrients - Bamboo shots are also good for you because they are an excellent source of two nutrients that human bodies really require, fiber, and potassium. One serving of bamboo shot can provide 10% of the fiber a human needs a day.


Bamboo forests are widely planted throughout World, and due to the vast recognition of its benefits, many more acres are planted every day. And because bamboo takes only five years from seedling to mature plant, it will be readily available for all future generations. With due care, your bamboo charcoal product can last up to one year. After this, and because it is a 100% natural product, it can be recycled into the ecosystem.


Compared to regular charcoal, bamboo charcoal has ten times more surface area and is four times stronger in its absorption rate. The porous structure of bamboo charcoal provides numerous tiny holes that effectively absorb odours, moisture, and polluted air particles such as formaldehyde, ammonia, and benzene.

Use bamboo charcoal as a:

  • deodorizer in your fridge, freezer, bedroom and bathroom, gym bag, hockey equipment, footwear, kitchen, car, pet area, renovation area, garage, compost pail and diaper pail
  • decoration for home and aquarium.
  • air filter that absorb toxic chemical substances for commercial and industrial applications

Bamboo charcoal has an negative ionic charge attracting odours and excess moisture in the atmosphere. It retains the high density and porous structure of its raw material moso bamboo. This structure enables bamboo charcoal to absorb excessive moisture effectively.

Use bamboo charcoal as a:

  • dehumidifier in your drawers, cabinets, closets, rice bin, garage, basement, and other storage areas.

When submersed in water, activated bamboo charcoal softens the water, absorbs harmful minerals including chlorine and releases its natural minerals (calcium, sodium, magnesium) into the water. BISJ Binchotan Charcoal sticks is best known for its water purification and anti-bacterial characteristics and retains the natural properties.

Use bamboo charcoal as a:

  • aquarium filter
  • water filter for bath water as well as drinking water
  • decoration for aquarium and floral arrangements

All of these reasons are perfect examples of why bamboo products makes a person healthier. But don't just take our word for it, explore some organic bamboo products on our website, or have a healthy serving of BISJ Activated Organic Bamboo Charcoal Shots. Also try our Activated Organic Charcoal Teeth Whitening Powder for a healthier oral health. You'll be feeling healthy in no time.


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