Just to Know Some Benefits of Bamboo Silica Tea

If you're looking for  some ultimate beauty enhancing ingredient, you must have heard about the benefits and uses of bamboo or silica. Or, you might have seen trending products with bamboo as essential ingredient in them. If not, that’s fine, you’re about to get enlightened. Bamboo is a type of plant with one of the highest concentrations of silica. It’s much  more potent than horsetail. We have tried to round up the most comprehensive list on the surprising benefits of bamboo silica tea. There is a reason why this wonder ingredient has been so popular for beauty and skin. But the benefits of bamboo silica tea does not limit itself to beauty, it also includes superb benefits for your body and brain health. 

Bamboo Silica Beauty Benefits


So, let’s begin with skin since it’s our body’s prominent organ. Why is silica-rich bamboo beneficial for your skin?

  Increases collagen production.

Our bodies cannot produce collagen without adequate silica. Collagen levels in our bodies decline with our growing age. If you're taking powdered collagen for younger skin, be sure to include bamboo silica so you can experience the maximum benefits.  Increased collagen production causes a domino effect of benefits, some of them are listed below:

Glowing skin.

Enhanced skin elasticity.

Strengthens the skin’s protective barrier.

 Helps Fight Acne.

Locks in moisture.

Rich in amino acids and flavonoids.

Protects skin from oxidative stress.

Shields skin from damaging UV rays. 

Wow! So many benefits in one box. No??


It is not just good for skin but it's an amazing hair supplement as well. It’s surprising to know that consuming silica from the fastest growing plant, your hair will experience the amazing benefits.  

 Silica can help to slow or stop shedding. ( One of the most common problem people are facing these days)

Increases shine and brightness.

 Treats psoriasis. (Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes skin cells to multiply, causing red bumps that are mostly itchy.)

 Promotes hair growth.

Makes hair thicker.


Makes nails stronger.

Body Benefits

Strengthens bones.

Bamboo silica is as essential for bone health as it is rich in calcium. It improves bone density and flexibility. Silica naturally increases the body’s iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and boron. All of these are beneficial for developing healthy bones.

Increases connective tissue.

Silica also helps overall joint flexibility. Are you feeling a little stiffer now days?  Perhaps bamboo silica can offer some help to you.  Both collagen and elastin are rich in silica.  The lower your silica stores, the less flexible you become. 
Alleviates arthritis.

It’s great for your digestive system.

Brain Health Benefits

One little known, but very interesting benefit of silica is its  brain-protective qualities.  Not only does silica strengthen the connective tissues surrounding the brain and spinal cord, it can also help protect our cognitive health.

So, rounding up, Bamboo silica tea is one of the most healthy product one can add in his daily routine to stay younger and healthier for longer. Try some BISJ Bamboo silica tea as it offers sweet & mild grassy flavor with ofcourse great health benefits. To see the perfect results drink 1 litre bamboo water in a day. Add it to your cart now!!


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